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UZH Space Hub (Innovation cluster space and aviation), University of Zurich (UZH)


Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich
Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Ullrich
+41 44 63 54 060
Year of Foundation: 2018

Core Competences:


Year of Foundation: 2018
Employees/Members: 100
Turnover: n.a.
  • Earth Observation, Spatial Genetics, Spatial Ecology and Remote Sensing
  • Remote Sensing Laboratories Services
  • Vision-based navigation of micro aerial vehicles (MAVs)
  • Aviation
  • Space Life Sciences, Space Biotechnology and Space Medicine
  • Astrophysics
  • High Performance Computing and Data Science
  • Education
  • Civil Test Flight Facility
  • Swiss Parabolic Flight Program
  • Suborbital ballistic rockets
  • International Space Stations (ISS)

The Innovation Cluster Space and Aviation of the University of Zurich (UZH Space Hub) is part of the UZH Innovation Hub with research and development in the fields of Earth Observation, Life Sciences, Astrophysics, autonomous flying and space instruments. The UZH Space Hub also offers independent and direct access to key aerospace platforms such as parabolic flights, Earth observation missions, and indoor MAVs test facilities at Dübendorf Air Base, as well as access to an alpine test range, suborbital flights and the International Space Station. The UZH Space Hub strongly supports interdisciplinary collaboration with space and aviation industry and start-ups and is working closely together with ESA and NASA.

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