8604 Volketswil
a) Software developemt for high performance data processing in space, aerospace, robotics and automotive
b) Artificial Intelligence algorithms modelling, training and deployment
c) Collision avoidance software
d) Robotic plugin executor for robotics operating systems
Klepsydra offers a software development kit and an artificial intelligence inference engine whose objective is to handle large volumes of data from different sources in a faster, more reliable and less energy intensive manner. Our market proven solutions are able to process up to 10 times more data, reduce power consumption by up to 50% and reduce data losses. Our solutions are of particular interest for those sectors which generate afast-growing volume of data which needs to be processed in real time and autonomously, for examples satellites for earth observation, UAVs, autonomous driving, robotics. The key differentiator and advantage of Klepsydra is the easy to integrate it into onboard computers, can handle data from any type of sensor and is independent from the platform used by the end application. Klepsydra has a worldwide patent pending application for the software which relies on very
advanced multi-threading techniques.