Discovery Mission: Oklahoma Aerospace Market
SAC/S-GE Official Trade Delegation Tour Discovery Mission: Oklahoma Aerospace Market (26th September – 1st October 2021):
We have completed the planning for our trade mission to the United States, focusing on the 2nd largest Aerospace cluster in the US with opportunities to visit the world’s largest MRO base (American Airlines) and US military & space installations, the FAA headquarter and Unmanned Systems Research Institute. You will meet with potential customers, industrial partners, officials (including Swiss General Consul and Oklahoma Commerce State Secretary) as well as Swiss peer companies at networking events. Exclusive group of companies from the Swiss Aerospace Cluster (1:1 support by Swiss Business Hub US throughout the mission, including preparation workshops prior to the trip), creating your network for entering/expanding in the US market.
All-inclusive package for SAC members: 2’000 CHF (4*-accommodation, transfers, networking dinners, support & services)
APPLY NOW: – 80% sold out